About us

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Perodua Suppliers Association (P2SA), previously known as Kelab Vendor Perodua, Malaysia (KVP) was formed in July 1999 to assist in the promotion of the businesses of our members, also facilitating better communication, and fostering stronger relationships among members and Perodua, and also with the Malaysian government through its many agencies related to our automotive community.

These form the foundation of the objectives of our association as the following :

  • To foster closer relationships amongst members and between members and Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Sdn Bhd (PERODUA) and its subsidiaries.
  • To create a sense of belonging to PERODUA in the automotive
  • To organize talks, seminars, workshops, and conferences beneficial to members as suppliers to PERODUA especially on quality, cost, and delivery (QCD) improvements, productivity, management, technical certifications, etc.
  • To promote and organize export programs and to assist members in areas of Technical Assistance Arrangements, Joint Ventures, and other business collaborations with foreign organizations.
  • To organize local and oversea tours for educational purposes and exposure to automotive industry related events and activities.
  • To promote and establish good rapport and healthy relationships between members and the government agencies and other related
  • To act as a window or a channel for suppliers to PERODUA and vice versa, to discuss, clarify, disseminate, and inform on relevant and related issues and matters raised from time to time.
  • To organize functions and activities which are considered beneficial to members and PERODUA.
  • To ensure cooperation with any party, company, organization, the public, or individual, if in the opinion of P2SA such cooperation can facilitate or assist in the fulfillment of the objectives of P2SA.

Access to information especially that related to what we as vendors can produce, and produce well, is today of utmost importance to both our existing and potential customers. This website was developed primarily to provide a platform to showcase our members’ expertise possibly worldwide.

The PERODUA SUPPLIERS ASSOCIATION (P2SA) Exco committee has visualized continually bringing the association’s image to a higher level through cyberspace. Therefore, the website also enables PERODUA SUPPLIERS ASSOCIATION (P2SA) to communicate and disseminate information to all members easily. It will also be the medium to voice our opinions and provide views and feedback to policy-makers on our members’ needs and concerns.

You are most welcome to browse this website to source quality automotive parts and components. The profile of members encompassing their products and capabilities can be easily accessed and retrieved via hyperlinks to the websites of PERODUA SUPPLIERS ASSOCIATION (P2SA) members.

Besides all the above, our website is also to provide knowledge to all our members and mutual customers of PERODUA SUPPLIERS ASSOCIATION (P2SA) activities, both past, and future. We intend that with accessibility from anywhere in the world, member companies have now a platform where they can be reached and that their products will be featured alongside the testament that they are already qualified vendors to Perodua.

Where possible, PERODUA SUPPLIERS ASSOCIATION (P2SA) will ensure that useful information pertaining to the automotive industry in Malaysia can be found in this website which will act as a resource and information hub for PERODUA SUPPLIERS ASSOCIATION (P2SA) members, and all other interested parties.

Please feel free to browse through our website and if there are areas which you wish to let us know of, you may send your feedback or questions to P2SA@perodua.com.my

Thank you

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